private page berge
Anne-Marie Bergé
Dernière mise à jour/last update : 28 novembre 2013,
par Jacques Martinet ;
- Université de Bordeaux
Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux (I.M.B.)
351, cours de la Libération
F-33405, Talence cedex
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Anne-Marie Bergé passed away on September 20th, 2008.
Obituary of Anne-Marie Bergé,
in J. Th.Nombres Bordeaux 20, fasc. 2, i--xi.
Part 1
Part 2
Three more photographs of A.-M. Bergé,
by Alain Robert (2) and Francois Laubie:
Anne-Marie Bergé was a Mathematics professor
at the University of Bordeaux, emeritus since 2000.
Her general field of research was number theory.
After having worked for several years on Algebraic Number Theory
(Galois module structures, regulators, discriminants),
she turned to Geometry of Numbers.
Classification of positive forms having prescribed automorphisms.
Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 249 (1999), 199--204,
postscript ,
pdf .
Symplectic lattices.
Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 272 (2000), 9--22.
postscript ,
pdf .
Une forme dual-extrême irrationnelle.
J. Th. Nombres Bordeaux 12 (2000), 281--291.
postscript ,
pdf .
Symmetric Groups and Lattices
(avec J. Martinet).
Monatshefte für Mathematik 140 (2003), 179--195.
dvi ,
postscript ,
pdf .
On certain Coxeter lattices without perfect sections.
J. Alg. Combinatorics 20 (2004), 5--16.
dvi ,
postscript ,
pdf .
A generalization of some lattices of Coxeter
(avec J. Martinet).
Mathematika 51 (2004), 49--61.
dvi ,
postscript ,
pdf .
Sublattices of certain Coxeter lattices
(avec J. Martinet).
A paper dedicated to Georges Gras.
J. Th. Nombres Bordeaux 17 (2005), 455--465.
dvi ,
postscript ,
pdf .
On weakly eutactic forms
(avec J. Martinet).
J. London Math. Soc. 75 (2007), 187--198.
dvi ,
postscript ,
pdf .
On perfection relations in lattices
(avec J. Martinet).
Contemporary Math. {\bf 493} (2009), 29--49;
preprint at arXiv:math.NT/0611220, 8 nov 2006:
click here.
On lattices of maximal index two.
Preprint at arXiv:0806.0724, 4 juin 2008.
click here.
dvi ,
postscript ,
pdf .
ALGEBRAIC NUMBER THEORY (Some ancient papers).
Sur l'arithmtétique d'une extension diédrale.
Ann. Inst. Fourier 22,2 (1972), 31-59.
Numdam-pdf .
Arithmtétique d'une extension galoisienne
à groupe d'inertie cyclique.
Ann. Inst. Fourier 28,4 (1978), 17-44.
Numdam-pdf .
À propos du genre de l'anneau des entiers d'une extension.
Pub. Math. Besançon (1979/80-80/81), 1-9.
pdf .
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